All About InformationLeader Version 5.4

InformationLeader Version 5.4 has been released! This version has introduced a vast array of new features, the majority of which come as a direct result from customer feedback. Some of the most anticipated functionality includes improved simple checklists, the system dashboard, charts, and favouriting documents.

5.4 has improved support for smaller devices and is better suited for filling out forms on mobile phones and tablets. This feature, combined with enhancements made to checklists, significantly expands the number of devices clients can capture information with.

We’ve put together a brief overview of select feature’s we think our clients will be interested in:


Within the system dashboard Charts are a new functionality that allow users to quickly visualise and compare data within InformationLeader. By default InformationLeader displays charts that give a high-level overview of the entire solution. Each chart’s information is also able to be examined in more depth if required. Frequently used charts can be marked as favourites, so that they are displayed in the one easily accessible place in the system dashboard. Charts can also be shown in a popup, for individual chart display and customisation. New in 5.4 is the ability for charts to use data directly from a form instance, and be displayed directly in the form so users can view trends as they are entering the data in real time.

For more information about the System Dashboard click here.


Flow Request Visual Diagram

The flow control diagram was intended to visualise the process a form instance goes through in order to be approved and signed off. Now in 5.4 users are able to change the form status through the diagram directly, instead of changing the status only through the drop-down list. When changing the form status using the diagram, the current status will be highlighted and so will the next available statuses that the user can choose from. All other options will be viewable but greyed out. This visual diagram is great for users as it shows more clearly what stage of the process the form is at and which options are available to proceed with.


Searching: Dynamic Columns

If a search is conducted within the one form template, the search’s summary columns (used in the results) can be changed according to the users search context needs. The new search is automatically saved for any future use within that particular form template. This can be incredibly useful as each user is able to have their own easily customised search available. Additionally, these customised views can be instantly exported to a spreadsheet for further analysis – no extra report building required.


Relationship Tree

The relationship tree button allows users to see the relationship a particular form instance has to other forms. This makes it much simpler to view any referring or referred form instances and navigate to them if needed. With a click of a button, users can see all current and historical information related to the form that they are working on.


Button Lists

This is a new control within InformationLeader that has been introduced to improve checklist scenarios. As the name suggests, button lists use buttons as the main item input.  Buttons are faster and easier to use, can have custom colour highlights, and look great on mobile devices.

Provides efficiency gains in three main areas: information capture, management, and reporting. InformationLeader is tailored to your needs and is flexible enough to grow with your organisation and processes.

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