
Our app, InformationM8, has been designed to complement your business’ InformationLeader implementation. InformationM8 is built with mobile and tablet use in mind, to provide a native device experience when capturing data for InformationLeader anywhere and at any time.

Offline Data Capture

Providing support to a mobile workforce while adhering to strict data capture and security requirements is essential for heavily regulated industries. InformationM8 provides the means for remote data capture by allowing users to gather data in both offline and online environments on iOS and Android devices. Users can fill out forms while not connected to the internet using InformationM8, and when the app is next online it will upload the completed forms to InformationLeader.

There are a range of situations where this scenario would be applicable, such as when an employee is out on-site with no internet or mobile coverage. In this instance data will be stored locally on the app until an internet connection can be established, before then syncing with InformationLeader. This information then can be used for further actions and reporting. Offline data capture also helps eliminate the need for data re-entry, improving the accuracy of information gathered.

Documents can also be saved and viewed using InformationM8 when offline as well.


InformationM8 App Screen

InformationM8 Functionality

The app leverages the powerful functionality of InformationLeader, while allowing users to easily fill out simple forms and basic checklists. Forms within the app are streamlined and intuitive to use, and easily completed. InformationM8 can take advantage of the native controls on your devices like the camera and location services to enrich your captured data.

The Application Programming Interface (API) developed alongside InformationM8 will enable third parties to interface with InformationLeader. Third-party apps can capture information before sending this data to InformationLeader to automatically create forms. For example, a LIMS system could record a ‘defect’, which would then trigger the creation of a deviation form within InformationLeader. Similarly, if a customer complaint was recorded using other software, this could be configured to send this data to InformationLeader and automatically raise an investigation form.

InformationM8 is currently being trialled by clients in Sydney and Canberra in Australia, and Mexicali, Mexico for simple forms and checklists, with testing underway for more complex scenarios. To see how InformationM8 can work for you please get in touch with our implementation team by email at or phone (07) 3275 0800 for further details.

Provides efficiency gains in three main areas: information capture, management, and reporting. InformationLeader is tailored to your needs and is flexible enough to grow with your organisation and processes.

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